6th Annual Southeast Adult Autism Symposium
Saturday, July 23, 2022
University of Tennessee - Chattanooga
The 2022 Southeast Adult Autism Symposium took place in person at the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga (UTC) University Center on Saturday, July 23.
Check out our speaker page with information about and descriptions of the presentations that took place at this symposium. PowerPoint presentations (for select talks) will be uploaded soon!
Click here for the Symposium agenda and here to see a list of our sponsors!
Presentations included:
Sean Boogard - "When to Cleave and When to Leave"
Kristen Calloway, BS; Conya Mull, ACRE, ECSP; Judy Pate - "Employment Community First CHOICES"
Raissa Chandler, Jamie Mackintosh, BA, and Nathan Zimmerman, "Social Stories for Grown-Ups"
Claire Kraft - "Autistic Burnouts and Self Understanding"
Michele Louzon - "Self-Care and Development of Executive Functioning Skills: The Keys to Success for Autistic Adults"
Alyce Benson, LCSW and Jamie Mackintosh, BA - "Understanding Common Barriers in Communication and Strategies to Support Communication"
Corey Raburn, Tennessee Vocational Rehabilitation Field Supervisor - "The Basics of Tennessee Vocational Rehabilitation"
Melvin R. Rodgers, D.Min, BCC, ACPE - "Being an Adult on the Autistic Spectrum"
Nancy Rogers, AS, 2017 Partners in Policymaking Graduate - "The True History of Autism"
Madison Scott - "Managing Your Money"
Kell Todd, JD, LLM, McMahan Law Firm - "Social Security Disability"