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This page is dedicated to research opportunities and research reports in the field of autism, more particularly with high functioning autism and Asperger Syndrome.
When Children with Autism Grow Old - a groundbreaking research study that will follow 75 men and women with ASD who live in Southern California and are between the ages of 45 and 65 for 5 years
Neurodiversity, Quality of Life, and Autistic Adults: Shifting Research and Professional Focuses onto Real-Life Challenges
Online Research Journals (Free)
Molecular Autism
Journal of Applied Behavioral Analysis - Vols. 1 to 44; 1968 to 2011
Research Organizations Involving Autism and ASD
International Center for Autism Research and Education
Organization for Autism Research
Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center
Autism Research Institute
Searchable Online Databases (type in "autism", "Asperger Syndrome", or "ASD" in search box)
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) -supported by the U.S. Department of Education and the Office of Educational Research & Improvement
Google Scholar (keywords "adults with autism")
PubMed (Medical Publications) — maintained by the National Library of Medicine at the NIH
National Database for Autism Research - NIH-funded research data repository that aims to accelerate progress in autism spectrum disorders (ASD) research through data sharing, data harmonization, and the reporting of research results
ScienceDirect - a searchable database of professional literature and other scientific information in a user-friendly format
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